All dates given are in good faith and subject to change without notice.
St. Helena (UK & SA - St Helena)
MACS GAL (US Gulf - Africa)
STINNES (US Gulf - Europe)
Latest Sailing Schedules Overview
For your information and guidance MACS produces a set of schedules on a regular basis ranging from short term and up to date schedules to Long term planning schedules, below is a brief explanation of the various schedules for your guidance and information.
The MACS Long Term Schedule Southbound and MACS Long Term Schedule Northbound are issued on a weekly basis. All changes which have occurred during any given week will be updated on the schedule of the following week.
Dates for ships 20days in advance can be considered as reasonably accurate and should be correct to within 1-3 days, unforeseen circumstances excepted. Dates for ships 45 days in advance should be considered as provisional with an accuracy factor of about 3-5 days, subject to unforeseen delays or events. Dates for ships that are 90days in advance should only be considered as guidelines.
The GAL Long Term Schedule Southbound and GAL Long Term Schedule Northbound are issued on a fortnightly basis.
The MACS & GAL Coastal Schedules are updated twice weekly. The coastal schedules provide the most current dates and times for ships on the Southern African Coast. It is suggested that customers who have bookings on North Bound sailings use the coastal schedules to track shipments.
The MACS European Coastal Schedule is updated on average twice per voyage, however these schedules are subject to slight variations due to weather delays and unforeseen circumstance. This schedule provides all the dates at the various terminals that MACS ships call at in Europe.